My coaching journey

I first came across coaching through family law.  I trained as Collaborative Family Law practitioner in 2010 and as a Family Mediator in 2015. 

Collaborative Family Law and Family Mediation are perhaps the two most common alternatives to more traditional litigation. Progressive in nature, they recognise the significant role that other professionals can play in the resolution of disputes – and, in the case of coaching, the huge potential that it has to introduce positivity and focus, and to facilitate and accelerate progress, not only in the family law context but in all other walks of life.  

It is the huge potential that coaching has to inspire people to move forward that excites me and that prompted me to take a step back from practising law.  I signed up for a Diploma in Personal Performance Coaching in 2018 and, subsequently, for a Diploma in Corporate & Executive Coaching in 2021, having already decided to move full-time into coaching in 2020.