My professional background

I began my career as a lawyer, spending nearly 20 years advising high net worth clients on family law matters at three leading law firms, most recently as Legal Director at top ranked litigation specialist firm Stewarts. 

I have always wanted to help people - a cliché, perhaps, but true.  As such, I was attracted to family law because it offered me the opportunity to guide often vulnerable people through some of the most difficult times of their lives - times full of change and, more often than not, fraught with both uncertainty and conflict.  I never ceased to be amazed at the resilience of the human spirit and, ultimately, in the ability of people to adapt and move on.  It was a privilege to be able to do what I could to help.

My particular area of expertise was in the resolution of financial matters arising on divorce.  My clients, who were based both in the UK and further afield (across Europe and beyond), included senior business executives, professionals from the legal and financial sectors, entrepreneurs, business owners, trustees and public figures - or their spouses.  I advised on a number of reported cases, representing clients on many occasions in the High Court. 

As well as developing my so-called “soft skills”, my time in family law gave me invaluable exposure, not only to the inner workings of the legal industry, but also to an unusually wide range of other sectors and industries.  It also enabled me to develop a sound understanding of both business accounts and complex corporate, financial and trust structures.